Barrett Wissman is an entrepreneur in the conventional American form. Using a unique mixture of guile, intelligence, and sheer will, Barrett Wissman could create IMG Artists with his own two hands. A former hedge fund manager using a love for the arts, it was only natural that Mr. Wissman would employ his natural skills in business and finance to construct an industry leading performing arts company.

By expanding the company throughout America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, Barrett Wissman has proven that his success as an investor and hedge fund supervisor was no coincidence. have a peek at this web-site A booming business, IMG Artists works with musicians and artists all around the world, helping them join with venue managers around the world and handle their occasions.

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Because of the vision and drive of Barrett IMG Artists is a crucial partner in the development and performance of the Tuscan Sun Festival, Festival Del Sole, and Placido Domingo Festival . These occasions help while also bringing the local communities for an evening of the arts expose emerging artists to the entire world of public entertainment.

Barrett Wissman additionally often brings his company management skills that are top-notch to the fore of his community by arranging and sponsoring education programs and many local arts. IMG Artists By taking advantage of his extraordinary standing in life, Mr. Wissman is helping to facilitate the appearance of the IMG Artists great musical and artistic talents, which we may all someday have the delight of appreciating.